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BSE’s epidemic proportions

While prion diseases seem to be waning in humans, they could be waxing in sheep.

Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) may claim only around 200 victims, a new model predicts 1 . This degenerative brain disease is thought to occur when people are exposed to misfolded prion proteins from meat infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE or ’mad cow disease’).

Meanwhile, another study warns that a huge BSE epidemic could be brewing in the UK

Flower Chemicals Both Attract Friends and Deter Foes

Talk about multi-tasking. A new study reveals that in the St. John’s Wort plant, Hypericum calycinum, the same chemical not only attracts pollinating insects but also deters herbivores that pose a threat to its survival. The findings appear in the current issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

To the human eye, the flowers of H. calycinum appear as uniform yellow disks (top image). Insects with ultraviolet-sensitive eyes, however, see a dark, ultraviolet-absorbing ce

Stiff challenge to instability

The secret of a steady hand is tightening the right muscles.

Controlling the stiffness of some of our muscles lets us manage tricky feats of manipulation, such as keeping a screwdriver in a screw, researchers have found 1 . We tune the stiffness to oppose motions in the direction of instability, such as the sideways slips that would let the screwdriver slide out of the slot.

Although demanding on the brain, this is the most energy-efficient strategy, say Mitsu

Water drop holds a trillion computers

Devices with DNA software may one day be fitted into cells.

“If you wear the right glasses, a lot of what you see inside the cell is computation,” says Ehud Shapiro of the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot, Israel. Now Shapiro and his colleagues have turned the computational power of biological molecules to their own ends 1 .

The researchers have built a machine that solves mathematical problems using DNA as software and enzymes as hardware. A trillion such biomol

Deception fuels domestic bliss

Evolution may make men ignorant and gullible.

Gentlemen: ignorance is bliss and gullibility is the best policy. A new mathematical analysis suggests that evolution favours babies who don’t much resemble their fathers, and males who believe their partner when she says a child looks just like him.

Anonymous-looking newborns make for uncertain fathers. But they also allow men to father children through undetected adultery, Paola Bressan of the University of Padova calculates

Cystic Fibrosis Study Points to Potential Treatment

Researchers have discovered the mechanism by which the genetic defect underlying cystic fibrosis (CF) leads to fatal bacterial colonization of the lungs. The new findings, published today in the early online edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, suggest that an aerosol treatment aimed at balancing pH in lung cells could be developed to stave off or delay such infections.

The most common inherited lethal disorder in Caucasians, CF stems from mutations in a gene that

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Physics and Astronomy

Giant Magellan telescope begins primary mirror support system testing

World’s largest optical mirror successfully installed on support system prototype for the first time to validate telescope’s extraordinary performance. The Giant Magellan Telescope today announced the successful installation of one…

Out-of-this-world simulation key to collecting moon dust

Teleoperated robots for gathering moon dust are a step closer, according to new research by scientists at the University of Bristol. The team were able to complete a sample collection…

‘Inside-out’ galaxy growth observed in the early universe

Astronomers have used the NASA/ESA James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to observe the ‘inside-out’ growth of a galaxy in the early universe, only 700 million years after the Big Bang….

Life Sciences and Chemistry

Bee-friendly protection for plants

New types of sensors could help to develop plant protection products that are safe for bees. The increasing global demand for plant-based foods makes the use of pesticides necessary in…

Researchers discover “watchdogs” for protein blueprints

Plants have a sophisticated mechanism for monitoring the production of new proteins. The “U1 snRNP” complex ensures that the protein blueprints are fully completed. This is important because cells tend…

From Northern Germany to Italy in 5 days

Tiny transmitters provide first insights into precise migration routes of bats. Some bat species are among the world champions of seasonal migration in the animal kingdom. Leisler’s bat, for example,…

Materials Sciences

Ancient 3D paper art, kirigami, could shape modern wireless technology

Researchers from Univ. of British Columbia and Drexel University Use Kirigami to Create Tunable Radio Antennas from MXene Nanomaterials. The future of wireless technology — from charging devices to boosting…

Octopus-inspired technology successfully maneuvers underwater objects

Using mechanisms inspired by nature to create new technological innovations is a signature of one Virginia Tech research team. The group led by Associate Professor Michael Bartlett has created an octopus-inspired adhesive,…

A stiff material that stops vibrations and noise

Materials researchers have created a new composite material that combines two incompatible properties: stiff yet with a high damping capacity. In brief Oscillations and vibrations damage machines and buildings, while…

Information Technology

Enhanced wavelength conversion to advance quantum information networks

New research achieves significant bandwidth in frequency conversion, paving the way for more efficient quantum information transfer and integrated photonic systems. Advancements in quantum information technology are paving the way…

New app performs real-time, full-body motion capture with a smartphone

Researchers will unveil the app on Oct. 15, at the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. Northwestern University engineers have developed a new system for full-body motion capture…

Interface Problem Solved

UDDC Ensures Seamless Transmission of Image Data to Microdisplays. Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems IPMS have developed a Universal Display Data Converter (UDDC). This enables the transfer…