High-efficiency hollow-core fiber optic cable helps medical procedures

AR-HCF cross section structure
Credit: HUANG Lei

Recently, a research group led by Prof. JIANG Haihe from Hefei Institutes of Physical Science (HFIPS) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) designed a 6-hole micro-structure anti-resonant air-core fiber (AR-HCF) with a larger core diameter of 78 μm.

“This is the first time that 2.79 μm high energy pulsed laser has been transmitted with good efficiency at room temperature,” said Prof. JIANG.

The relevant results were published in Optics and Laser Technology.

Traditional laser medical instruments often face challenges such as complex structures and low efficiency. The AR-HCF addresses these issues with its simple design, high transmission efficiency, and flexibility.

In this study, the team designed a simple structure with high coupling transmission efficiency, a large damage threshold, and flexible transmission AR-HCF to replace the light guide arm in transmitting laser energy.

With an average coupling transmission efficiency of 77.3% and a maximum of 85%, the fiber optic cable system demonstrates impressive performance.

Moreover, the AR-HCF boasts a large damage threshold, making it suitable for high-energy applications.

This innovation allows for the efficient transmission of high-energy pulsed lasers, particularly in the mid-infrared range, which is crucial for medical procedures.

Journal: Optics & Laser Technology
Article Title: High-efficiency 6-hole structure anti-resonant hollow-core fiber 2.79 μm Cr,Er:YSGG high-energy pulse laser transmission system
Article Publication Date: 22-Feb-2024

Media Contact

Weiwei Zhao
Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Office: 86-551-655-91206


Media Contact

Weiwei Zhao
Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences

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