Mälardalen University creating robot for first construction on moon

“We want to teach students who think creatively, work together, use the very latest technology, and dare to set their sights high. The most important thing is not always to reach the goal. If you aim for the stars, at least you'll reach the treetops or even the moon,” says Lars Asplund.
Working together, the students are to go all the way from idea to construction and programming to finally having a real robot. “We're good at that here at Mälardalen University,” asserts Professor Lars Asplund, who is the country's leading robot inventor and a good role model in the program.
The goal is for the robot – which has the working name of Roony – to be able to place the cabin on the moon in 2012.
Mikael Genberg is an artist from Västerås who is best known for his alternative living environments. Today Hotel Woodpecker is located 13 meters up in the highest tree in Vasa Park in Västerås. Out in Lake Mälaren, one kilometer out from the harbor, there is a building with an underwater room named Hotel Otter Inn. The little house on the moon will be barn red with white trim – after all, the first ones on the moon this time will be Swedes.
For further information and pictures, please contact:
Sara Seltborg, chief information officer, Mälardalen University
Cell phone: +46 (0)73-662 05 35; sara.seltborg@mdh.se
Lars Asplund, professor, Mälardalen University
Phone: +46 (0)21-10 70 36; lars.asplund@mdh.se