This special field revolves around processes for modifying material properties (milling, cooling), composition (filtration, distillation) and type (oxidation, hydration).
Valuable information is available on a broad range of technologies including material separation, laser processes, measuring techniques and robot engineering in addition to testing methods and coating and materials analysis processes.
A single step from ores to sustainable metals. Max Planck scientists design a process that merges metal extraction, alloying and processing into one single, eco-friendly step. Their results are now…
The Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT in Aachen, Germany, has developed a process that reduces CO2 emissions in glass and optics production by up to 90 percent. The focus…
… revolutionizes shaping processes in injection molding and die casting. The new UltraPLAS coating developed by Fraunhofer researchers has proven to be a ground-breaking solution to the challenges of primary…
The team’s novel approach involves a pre-treatment process that significantly enhances the performance of existing GAC systems. In a groundbreaking effort to tackle the pervasive issue of PFAS contamination in…
Researchers at Fraunhofer IPM have developed a contactless flow measurement method based on magnetic fields. For the first time, they have been able to show the quantitative impact of the…
…that could lead to unprecedented separations. Researchers use new technique to overcome perceived limitation of membranes with pores of consistent size. Imagine a close basketball game that comes down to…