‘The teacher is the key to successful use of computers in the classroom,’ says Professor Berner Lindström, scientific director of the studies.More than…
If built up successfully, the recently launched Fraunhofer Project Center for Biopharmaceutical Research in South Korea can move towards becoming a Fraunhofer…
Previous research has shown that children’s reading development can be stimulated with structured and playful language games from the age of six. In a current…
Researchers from the University of Gothenburg followed upper-secondary students from the Swedish town of Lysekil for one year. The study was part of the…
Yet a new doctoral thesis from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, shows that new technologies per se do not improve student learning, and that they present…
A new longitudinal study carried out in Cambodia has found that some types of preschool are better than others, but any type is better than none at all.The…