The fact that children who do not read well by the end of Grade 3 are at risk of dropping out or failing to graduate is one of the grim conclusions made in a…
Education should not just provide the knowledge to perform professional duties; it should also help developing a deeper understanding in order to deal…
In the July 17, 2009 issue of the journal Science, researchers who are at the forefront of neuroscience, psychology, education, and machine learning have…
They have taken part in a developmental project together with students in six other European countries designed to strengthen the common European perspective.In European countries, national curricula are written for the schools, unique to each country, where issues involving knowledge, various values, and fostering of citizens are placed in a national perspective. …
Ellen Almers, at the School of Education and Communication, Jönköping, Sweden, based her thesis on her investigation into what prompts young people to take…
“Some critics argue that mobile phone novels are not literature,” says Yukiko Nishimura, a linguist and professor of humanities at Toyo Gakuen University in…