The AdMiN grant will help support cutting edge equipment to allow scientists to study muscular dystrophy, brain tumours, brain development and stroke. Professor of Molecular Medicine at the University of Portsmouth, Darek Gorecki and a team of five academics and eight researchers will share the grant with French partners led by Dr David Vaudry to build a cross-Channel centre of research excellence. Their key aim will be to integrate the latest cellular imaging methods with advances in understanding genes and proteins, the building blocks of life….
Patients being treated for the disorder do not have enough of the enzyme, homogentisic acid oxidase, which causes acid to build up in the body. Some of this…
The regional research funds are intended to bolster Norway's research capacity and quality by promoting research, innovation and development efforts at the…
Co-operations of this kind are not ends in themselves, but rather an important prerequisite to, for example, addressing global issues that are becoming…
The Euratom Framework Programme has supported research in this field for many years and this is continuing in the current 7 th Framework Programme. Today over…
“The goal of the Center is to design and create new materials with unprecedented properties and functions, starting with nanometer-scale building blocks,” says…