Science Education

Prizes recognise crucial role of world’s young scholars

The finalists each had the chance to give presentations on their submissions at a day long conference at Edinburgh University. The announcement marked the long…

Mickey Mouse comes to ETH Zurich

The Disney Research lab in Zurich will be one of only two newly-created industrial laboratories worldwide. Its mission will be to conduct basic applied…

Singapore Science at 2008 Euroscience Open Forum

Strategically located in Asia, one of the world’s most dynamic growth regions, Singapore is a key node in global scientific research. Since the turn of the…

Highlights of the first day of ESOF 2008, Barcelona 18 July

“ESOF2008, like its two previous editions, is setting agendas and helping us as a community to move towards the Europeanisation of science and technology on…

Continuation, Competition and Flexibility

The white paper published today announces the initial considerations of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) and the German…

MRSA and other healthcare associated infections to be tackled with new £4.2m project

Just over 8% of all hospital inpatients in England develop a healthcare associated infection, with this figure rising to 23% in intensive care units….

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