This is the aim of the “Research oriented gender equality standards“, which have been developed by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche…
The year 2007 was a successful one for the German scientific community. The research landscape was stimulated by both the second round of the Excellence…
A team led by Professor John Brennan of the U.K.’s Open University has just examined what we know about today’s higher education, and what we need to research…
“This will not only give the high-quality Austrian astronomical community full access to ESO's facilities, it will give Austrian scientists a say, together…
The ESF EUROHORCs Science Policy Briefing 33, The EUROHORCs and ESF Vision on a Globally Competitive ERA and their Road Map for Actions to Help Build it,…
On 22 June, Universiti Sains Malaysia launched their Science and Arts Innovation Space in a bid to stem the brain drain, boost local innovation and attract…