The University of Portsmouth is joining forces with brain tumour charity, Brainstrust and other partners to create a centre of excellence for brain tumour…
Whatever your favoured learning style, the listening and watching eventually comes to an end and it is time to “do”. Project work is one of the best ways to…
The Department of Electronics at the University of Kent is acknowledged to be a world expert in biometrics and is currently working with leading industrial…
The largest European network in nanobiotechnology Nano2Life will be pulling out all the stops again, at the meeting to be held in Brussels on 26.2.2008 for…
The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) aims to equip the future leaders of nursing with the skills they need to make a dynamic contribution to healthcare, as…
Other donors that have contributed to the campaign include the Jochnick Foundation, AFA Insurance, the Torsten and Ragnar Söderberg foundations and the…