Science Education

New Masters degree aims to boost recruits to civil engineering industry

The University of Southampton is launching a new MSc in civil engineering which aims to attract non-engineering graduates into the industry and address the country’s current shortage of graduate civil engineers.

The UK’s civil engineering industry is currently facing a demographic crisis: over the next decade, approximately half the country’s practicing chartered civil engineers – a total of 15,000 professionals – will retire. However, during that period, only 6,000 new graduates a

Royal Academy of Engineering to lead National Engineering Programme and support Engineering Higher Education

A new national initiative set to widen and increase participation in engineering higher education (HE) is to be launched by The Royal Academy of Engineering with funding from the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) as part of HEFCE’s forward programme of support for strategically important and vulnerable subjects.

Working with some 85,000 school and university students in seven regions of England, the National Engineering Programme will, over a period of six and

News Alert: New web site for science education

Today sees the launch of the new “Xplora” portal, a new European gateway for science education. Such initiatives will be an important part of improving Europe’s economic position in coming years, as more researchers are needed to drive innovation. “Xplora” provides resources for primary and secondary education, and is aimed at teachers, pupils, scientists, communication professionals and others involved in science education. Xplora has been developed with funds from the Science and Society ac

Beste Berufsperspektiven für Wirtschaftsingenieure

Informationsveranstaltung zum berufsbegleitenden Fernstudiengang Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen am RheinAhrCampus in Remagen

Am Samstag, den 04. Juni 2005 lädt der RheinAhrCampus, ein Standort der Fachhochschule Koblenz, alle Interessierten zu einer ausführlichen Informationsveranstaltung zum berufsbegleitenden Fernstudiengang Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen ein. Studiengangsleiter Prof. Dr. Hugo Grote wird Inhalte, Aufbau und Organisation des Fernstudiengangs, der in Kooperation mit de

A new kind of learning environment supports blind and vision impaired children’s learning

Multi-sensory user interface technologies as effective assistive devices

A project led by Ph.D. Assistant professor Marjatta Kangassalo and Professor Roope Raisamo is developing a learning environment that can be used by both normally seeing and vision impaired children. Until now, vision impaired children have been at a disadvantage compared to normally seeing children. Teaching programmes developed for general use have not been of any help because they rely heavily on pictoria

Several years in small classes in elementary school yields big rewards at graduation time

It is well established that small class size in the early elementary grades boosts student achievement in those grades and allows students to be more engaged in learning than they are in larger classes. But there has been little research on the long-term effects of small class size. A new study involving a large sample of students followed for 13 years shows that four or more years in small classes in elementary school significantly increases the likelihood of graduating from high school, espec

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