If you're into the outdoors, montain climbing hiking, etc, you'll often find yourslef having to carry extra bags to bring in all the basic items , esp the tents, sleeping bags and safety kits. But thanks to Norhayati Suleiman of the Department of Design Technology, Faculty of Applied and Creative Arts at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas), all you will need the next time you head for the outdoor is just one bag; a 3-in-1 bag known as the Flexi Jacket.
The bag is designed to be versatile lightweight and easily transformable into a tent as temporary shelter. The design concept allows easy set-up, and is lightweight and waterproof.as the material for the product are from shower resistant polyester micro fibre, waterproof zipper, adjustable hood, and elastic wristband to fit all sizes. It also has a practical compartment for carrying basic gadgets such as torchlight, compass, safety kit and a map.
The product had earlier won an award at the International Exposition of Research and Invention of Institutions of Higher Learning 2009 in Kuala Lumpur.