In the very early hours of the morning, in a Harvard robotics laboratory last summer, an insect took flight. Half the size of a paperclip, weighing less than a…
Firefighters put their lives on the line in some of the most dangerous conditions on Earth. One of their greatest challenges, however, is seeing through thick…
Research by Nosang Myung, a professor at the University of California, Riverside, Bourns College of Engineering, has enabled a Riverside company to develop an…
A field test has now begun, in which 35 apartments of older people were outfitted with these systems for a number of months. An important part of the system is…
An innovative 13-postures Tai Chi designed for wheelchair users is described in the current issue of Technology and Innovation- Proceedings of the National…
French-based Nanolane has recently created easy-to-use Sarfus Mapping Lite, a plug-in piece of apparatus, the main components of which are a set of Surf…
“The inception of this new generation of NAO robots means a lot to our company. We are proud to be in a position to provide our customers with endless options,…
“Many products that are designed for parents don’t take ergonomics into account, and the instructions are usually not very helpful,” says Michael Clamann, a…
The chair was put through its paces last summer in a trial run at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston. The students, along with Barry and computer…
University of Utah engineers developed a computer-controlled, motorized hand and arm support that will let doctors, artists and others precisely control…
If you're into the outdoors, montain climbing hiking, etc, you'll often find yourslef having to carry extra bags to bring in all the basic items , esp the…
Earlier this month, members of Michigan Health Engineered for All Lives, or M-HEAL, sent their prototype lamp to Uganda where it will undergo testing.”The…
Named RAPHaEL (Robotic Air Powered Hand with Elastic Ligaments), the fully articulated robotic hand is powered by a compressor air tank at 60 psi and a novel…
Counting calories that burn through activity is a constant quandary. One can only run on a treadmill so long, watching intently as the pedometer reads out the…
What was it really like to live in Ancient Egypt? What did the streets there actually look, sound and smell like? For decades, Virtual Reality has held out the…
The catalyst was produced using Oxford Catalysts' patented organic matrix combustion (OMX) method, which makes it possible to achieve high metal loadings,…