Search Results for: Ocean

Salmon farms pose significant threat to salmon fisheries in the Pacific Northwest, researchers find

The growing popularity of farm-raised salmon has plunged the commercial fishing industry in the Pacific Northwest into a state of crisis, according to a new report by Stanford University researchers.

Writing in the October issue of ENVIRONMENT magazine, the research team found that, since the late 1980s, worldwide production of farm salmon has increased fivefold, while the market share of wild-caught salmon from Alaska, British Columbia and Washington state has steadily declined.

Tagged turtles in the eye of the storm?

A NERC-funded researcher is tracking a number of migrating marine turtles which could be sent off-course or washed ashore by Hurricane Isabel. Updates on the turtles’ progress can be followed on the web.

Dr Brendan Godley and colleagues from the University of Exeter are using satellite technology to track the endangered green and loggerhead turtles as they leave their nesting beaches in North Carolina and the Cayman Islands and start the long journey to their winter foraging grounds. They at

Impact of Gateways on Ocean Circulation, Climate, and Evolution / FOR 451

Die Forschergrupp 451 soll — den Effekt von Ozeanpassagen auf das globale Ozean- und Klimasystem sowie auf die Ausbreitung mariner Arten hochauflösend rekonstruktuieren und mit Modellen simulieren; — die unterschiedlichen Einflüsse von tektonischer Hebung, Riffwachstum, Sedimentanlieferung, Isostasie und Eustasie auf Veränderungen im Passagen-Querschnitt spezifizieren; — die Einflüsse der Ozeanpassagen-Konfiguration auf unterschiedliche Strukturen in der thermohalinen Zirkulation entziffern. Dies betriff

ERS-2 peers into Hurricane Isabel’s heart

As Hurricane Isabel converges on the US East Coast, a veteran ESA spacecraft has provided meteorologists with crucial insights into the underlying pressure system powering the storm.

An entire flotilla of satellites is being kept busy tracking Hurricane Isabel in visible and infrared light, as well as gathering additional measurements of local sea surface temperature, wind and rainfall levels. ESA spacecraft ERS-2 has made the picture more detailed still by discerning the wind speed and dire

Why we see red when looking at ocean plants

Rutgers marine scientists say phytoplankton changed color 250 million years ago

Green was the dominant color for plants both on land and in the ocean until about 250 million years ago when changes in the ocean’s oxygen content – possibly sparked by a cataclysmic event – helped bring basic ocean plants with a red color to prominence – a status they retain today. That’s the view of a group led by marine scientists from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, in a paper, “The Evolu

Integrated Ocean Drilling Program/Ocean Drilling Program (IODP/ODP) / SPP 527

Das Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) betreibt mit dem Bohrschiff JOIDES RESOLUTION in allen Weltmeeren ein geowissenschaftliches Bohrprogramm. Die Kosten für das Programm werden zu 60% von den USA getragen, die restlichen Mittel stammen von Deutschland, Großbritannien, Japan, Frankreich, China und zwei Länderkonsortien (Australien, Kanada, Korea, Taiwan/European Science Foundation: Belgien, Dänemark, Finnland, Island, Irland, Italien, Norwegen, Portugal, Spanien, Schweden, Schweiz und die Niederlande). Der jähr

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