RV Polarstern (86°N,121°E). The atmosphere of the central Arctic is polluted with fine dust from Siberia and North America. This was the result of a…
The spotted compounds are the derivatives of aspterric acid which herbicidal activity was previously highlighted in a scientific report published in Nature…
For years, researchers looking at seafloor sediments would find bits of black carbon along with organic carbon strewn across the ocean floor, but they couldn't…
LED lights along the top of floating gillnets cut accidental “bycatch” of sea turtles by more than 70%, and that of small cetaceans (including dolphins and…
Synthetic clothing, containers, bottles, plastic bags and cosmetics all degrade and release microplastics into the environment. Corals and other marine…
Fiber-optic cables that constitute a global undersea telecommunications network could one day help scientists study offshore earthquakes and the geologic…