Search Results for: Ocean

Flood detection a surprising capability of microsatellites mission

The flood maps are possible thanks to one of the innovations of the CYGNSS constellation. The microwave signal the CYGNSS satellites use to detect wind speed…

Yellowstone super-volcano has a different history than previously thought

The long-dormant Yellowstone super-volcano in the American West has a different history than previously thought, according to a new study by a Virginia Tech…

New clues to origins of mysterious atmospheric waves in Antarctica

“A big picture of Antarctic gravity waves from the surface all the way to the thermosphere is emerging from the studies, which may help advance global…

Abrupt cloud clearing events over southeast Atlantic Ocean are new piece in climate puzzle

Although clouds grow and dissipate all of the time, scientists think that these low-lying clouds off the coast of subtropical Africa are being disrupted not…

In the ocean's twilight zone, tiny organisms may have giant effect on Earth's carbon cycle

In the area 100 to 1,000 meters below the ocean's surface — dubbed the twilight zone because of its largely impenetrable darkness — scientists found that…

Study suggests buried Internet infrastructure at risk as sea levels rise

The study, presented here today (July 16, 2018) at a meeting of internet network researchers, portrays critical communications infrastructure that could be…

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