Search Results for: Ocean

Southern Ocean drives massive bloom of tiny phytoplankton

Scientists have uncovered the ocean conditions that support a massive summertime bloom of algae that spans 16 percent of the global ocean. Known as the Great…

From the lab on to the ship: environmentally-friendly removal of biofouling

It is one of the shipping industry’s major problems: marine organisms like barnacles, algae or muscles quickly cover the hulls of ships and damage their…

Dark ocean bacteria discovered to play large role in carbon capture

Marine bacteria that live in the dark depths of the ocean play a newly discovered and significant role in the global carbon cycle, according to a new study…

Less life: Limited phosphorus recycling suppressed early Earth's biosphere

The research, published online Nov. 22 in the journal Science Advances, also comments on the role of volcanism in supporting Earth's early biosphere — and may…

Scientists find why CP El Niño is harder to predict than EP El Niño

Recently, a new type of El Niño [central Pacific (CP) El Niño] has emerged, in which maximum sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies are confined mostly to the…

Species may appear deceptively resilient to climate change

Nature itself can be the best defense against climate change for many species — at least in the short term­ — according to a study published in the journal Ecology Letters…

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