Search Results for: Ocean

Longer, stronger summers in the Gulf of Maine

For all but a small region immediately north of Cape Hatteras at the southern edge of their study area, the researchers confirmed that surface water…

Massive Antarctic volcanic eruptions linked to abrupt Southern hemisphere climate changes

New findings published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) by Desert Research Institute (DRI)…

Record-low 2016 Antarctic sea ice due to 'perfect storm' of tropical, polar conditions

A dramatic drop in Antarctic sea ice almost a year ago, during the Southern Hemisphere spring, brought its maximum area down to its lowest level in 40 years of…

Researchers find microbes key to reef survival

The marine biology researchers, from 11 institutions in five different countries, gathered at a recent workshop to assess the fate of coral reefs in the face…

Volcanic carbon dioxide drove ancient global warming event

The study, published in Nature, used a combination of new geochemical measurements and novel global climate modelling to show that the Palaeocene-Eocene…

NASA scientists seek to improve sea ice predictions

NASA researchers are working to improve their forecasts of the size of the Arctic sea ice cover at the end of the summer melt season — but the goal is not…

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