Search Results for: Ocean

Man-made fossil methane emission levels larger than previously believed

In a new paper published in Nature, the researchers report two important findings regarding methane, a powerful greenhouse gas and large contributor to global…

Icebergs: Mathematical model calculates the collapse of shelf ice

The ice rises up like a sheer cliff face – shelf ice is not only several thousand square kilometres large, it is also more than a hundred metres high in many…

Scientists discover species of dolphin that existed along South Carolina coast

The species, named Inermorostrum xenops, lived during the same period as Coronodon havensteini, a species of ancient whale announced recently by investigators…

Researchers devise microreactor to study formation of methane hydrate

Researchers at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering are using a novel means of studying how methane and water form methane hydrate that allows them to examine…

Hidden river once flowed beneath Antarctic ice

Antarctic researchers from Rice University have discovered one of nature's supreme ironies: On Earth's driest, coldest continent, where surface water rarely…

New gene catalog of ocean microbiome reveals surprises

As a group, marine microbes are extremely diverse and versatile with respect to their metabolic capabilities. All of this variability is encoded in their…

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