Search Results for: Ocean

Ocean acidification makes coralline algae less robust

Coralline red algae form maerl beds which provide important habitat in shallow waters, including the UK coastal shelf. Maerl hosts a high diversity of…

Man-made underwater sound may have wider ecosystem effects than previously thought

The study, reported in the journal Scientific Reports published by Nature, found that exposure to sounds that resemble shipping traffic and offshore…

In the Southern Ocean, a carbon-dioxide mystery comes clear

Twenty thousand years ago, when humans were still nomadic hunters and gatherers, low concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere allowed the earth to…

Several metre thick ice cocktail beneath coastal Antarctic sea ice

Sea ice physicists of the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) have developed a new method that allows them for the first time to efficiently determine the…

Greenland ice sheet releasing 'Mississippi River' worth of phosphorus

Phosphorus is an essential nutrient that feeds plankton at the base of the ocean food web. Glacial meltwater has long been known to contain phosphorus, but now…

Study shows North Atlantic Ocean CO2 storage doubled over last decade

A University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science-led study shows that the North Atlantic absorbed 50 percent more man-made carbon…

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