Search Results for: Ocean

Advanced composites may borrow designs from deep-sea shrimp

“A biological species surviving in that kind of extreme environment is a big deal,” said Vikas Tomar, an associate professor in Purdue University's School of…

Where iron and water mix

Since their first discovery a generation ago, it has been recognized that hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the deep dark oceans represented unique habitats…

New study showed spawning frequency regulates species population networks on coral reefs

New research on tropical coral reef ecosystems showed that releasing larvae more often is beneficial for a species' network. The study on reproductive…

Social engagement aids disaster preparedness

People who participate in social activities in their community are more likely to plan and prepare for future disasters, such as tsunamis, according to a new…

NASA data shows surfer-shaped waves in near-Earth space

The universe overflows with repeating patterns. From the smallest cells to the largest galaxies, scientists are often rewarded by observing similar patterns in…

Migrating low-frequency tremors observed at shallow subduction interface

A University of Tokyo research group has discovered slow-moving low-frequency tremors which occur at the shallow subduction plate boundary in Hyuga-nada, off…

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