Search Results for: Ocean

Plate tectonic surprise

Utrecht geologist unexpectedly finds remnants of a lost mega-plate. Utrecht University geologist Suzanna van de Lagemaat has reconstructed a massive and previously unknown tectonic plate that was once one-quarter the…

Discovery of invisible nutrient discharge on Great Barrier Reef

… raises concerns. Study finds nearly twice the amount of nitrogen is entering the Reef from groundwater compared to river waters. Scientists using natural tracers off Queensland’s coast have discovered…

Atmospheric research in the Atlantic to be expanded

Presidents lay foundation for new lab building on Cabo Verde. The international Cape Verde Atmospheric Observatory (CVAO) is being further expanded: The President of the Republic of Cabo Verde José…

Deciphering the intensity of past ocean currents

New publication: Researchers simulate past ocean conditions in flume-tank experiments. Ocean currents determine the structure of the deep-sea ocean floor and the transport of sediments, organic carbon, nutrients and pollutants….

Microtechnology conquers space for more precise earth observation

Earth observation is like a super detective for our planet. It shows us what’s happening on Earth and even influences our daily lives, for example, through more accurate weather forecasts….

Polyps as pixels: innovative technique maps biochemistry of coral reefs

Using an innovative new approach to sampling corals, researchers at the University of Hawai‘i (UH) at Mānoa are now able to create maps of coral biochemistry that reveal with unprecedented…

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