Search Results for: Ocean

Tiny plankton could have big impact on climate

This could cause an imbalance in the food web as well as decrease ocean CO2 uptake, an important regulator of global climate. The results of the study,…

Underlying ocean melts ice shelf, speeds up glacier movement

“We've been dumping heat into the atmosphere for years and the oceans have been doing their job, taking it out of the air and into the ocean,” said Sridhar…

Toxic methylmercury-producing microbes more widespread than realized

This finding, published in Environmental Science and Technology, explains why deadly methylated mercury is produced in areas where the neurotoxin’s presence…

Trans-Nino years could foster tornado super outbreaks

Now, scientists have identified certain conditions in the Pacific Ocean that may lead to super-outbreaks over the U.S.' tornado alley. Researchers are trying…

2 NASA satellites analyze Hurricane Humberto's clouds and rainfall

NASA's Aqua satellite gathered infrared and visible data on Humberto's clouds while NASA's TRMM satellite measured the rainfall rates occurring from those…

NASA 3-D Image Clearly Shows Wind Shear's Effect on Tropical Storm Gabrielle

NASA's Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission satellite known as “TRMM” flew directly above tropical Storm Gabrielle on September 10, 2013 at 2124 UTC (5:24 p.m….

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