Search Results for: Ocean

Microplastics found embedded in tissues of whales and dolphins

Analysis indicates ingested microplastics migrate into whales’ fat and organs. Microscopic plastic particles have been found in the fats and lungs of two-thirds of the marine mammals in a graduate…

Hy­dro­thermal sys­tems in dif­fer­ent wa­ter depths

Re­search cruise with the MET­EOR starts. Ex­ped­i­tion in­vest­ig­ates hy­dro­thermal sys­tems in dif­fer­ent wa­ter depths for the first time. Deep-sea hydrothermal vents, also often called black smokers because of their characteristic…

Always in the flow

In the 1980s, the Elbe estuary had largely lost its function as an estuarine filter due to heavy metal pollution. After decades, the estuary was able to recover from this,…

Eyewitnesses to Arctic Change

On Thursday, RV Polarstern is scheduled to set off from Tromsø, Norway, towards the North Pole. For two months, a good fifty scientific expedition participants will explore the Arctic in…

The Universal Sound of Black Holes

They are mysterious, exciting and inescapable – black holes are some of the most exotic objects in the Universe. With gravitational-wave detectors, it is possible to detect the chirp sound…

Way cool: ‘Freeze ray’ technology for the Air Force

You know that freeze-ray gun that “Batman” villain Mr. Freeze uses to “ice” his enemies? A University of Virginia professor thinks he may have figured out how to make one…

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