Search Results for: Ocean

Potentially 'catastrophic' changes underway in Canada's northern Mackenzie River Basin: report

Canada's Mackenzie River basin — among the world's most important major ecosystems — is poorly studied, inadequately monitored, and at serious risk due to…

Earthquake acoustics can indicate if a massive tsunami is imminent, Stanford researchers find

On March 11, 2011, a magnitude 9.0 undersea earthquake occurred 43 miles off the shore of Japan. The earthquake generated an unexpectedly massive tsunami that…

Polarstern expedition team departs for the wintery Antarctic

A group of researchers from the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research is flying to South Africa today. However this trip…

Pollution in Northern Hemisphere helped cause 1980s African drought

The shrinking lake and prolonged drought were initially blamed on overgrazing and bad agricultural practices. More recently, Lake Chad became an example of…

3 billion-year-old microfossils include plankton

“It is surprising to have large, potentially complex fossils that far back,” said Christopher H. House, professor of geosciences, Penn State, and lead author.However, the researchers not only showed that these inclusions in the rocks were biological in origin, but also that they were likely planktonic autotrophs — free-floating, tiny ocean organisms that produce energy from their environment. …

MBARI research shows where trash accumulates in the deep sea

Kyra Schlining, lead author on this study, said, “We were inspired by a fisheries study off Southern California that looked at seafloor trash down to 365…

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