Search Results for: Ocean

Antarctica’s ocean brightens clouds

Gases from phytoplankton in the ocean help form dense clouds that reflect sunlight. The teeming life in the Southern Ocean, which encircles Antarctica, contributes to brightening the clouds that form…

Plastic debris in the Arctic comes from all around the world

– including Germany. AWI researchers have analysed the origins of plastic debris on the shores of Svalbard. “Citizen Science” gives interested citizens the chance to actively engage in scientific research….

Study suggests the brain works like a resonance chamber

It’s been over 20 years since neuroimaging studies – using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), a widely-used technology to capture live videos of brain activity – have been detecting brain-wide…

Digital revolution inspires new research direction in ecosystem structural diversity

A special issue of the journal Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment lays the foundation for pursuing structural diversity as a new research direction in ecology. The issue, funded by…

How ‘Earth’s thermostat’ controls climate

Rocks, rain and carbon dioxide help control Earth’s climate over thousands of years — like a thermostat — through a process called weathering. A new study led by Penn State…

Ice cores show even dormant volcanoes leak abundant sulfur into the atmosphere

Volcanoes draw plenty of attention when they erupt. But new research led by the University of Washington shows that volcanoes leak a surprisingly high amount of their atmosphere- and climate-changing…

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