Search Results for: Ocean

Loon stratospheric balloons confirm wind data from Aeolus

Researchers recommend more vertical measurements for follow-up mission. ESA’s novel Aeolus satellite reliably measures wind speed also in higher air layers and thus in a region of the atmosphere where…

Two exoplanets may be mostly water

A team led by UdeM astronomers has found evidence that two exoplanets orbiting a red dwarf star are “water worlds,” planets where water makes up a large fraction of the…

New bottlenose dolphin subspecies

A marine researcher at the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science has identified a new bottlenose dolphin subspecies found only in the eastern tropical Pacific…

New robot does ‘the worm’ when temperature changes

Creators envision ‘gelbots’ crawling through human bodies to deliver medicine. A new gelatinous robot that crawls, powered by nothing more than temperature change and clever design, brings “a kind of…

Shedding light on photosynthesis at sea

Osaka Metropolitan University scientists use cryogenic electron microscopy to investigate how the marine green macroalga Codium fragile photosynthesizes. Plants that live on land, such as spinach, grow by using sunlight…

How the ‘hell planet’ got so hot

New ultra-precise measurements reveal the orbital path of planet 55 Cnc e (nicknamed “Janssen”), a scorchingly hot super-Earth closely circling a distant star. New research sheds light on how the…

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