Search Results for: Ocean

Deepest scientific ocean drilling sheds light on Japan’s next great earthquake

Scientists who drilled deeper into an undersea earthquake fault than ever before have found that the tectonic stress in Japan’s Nankai subduction zone is less than expected, according to a…

Soft devices – powered by ‘stressed’ algae – glow in the dark

… when squished or stretched. Researchers at the University of California San Diego have developed soft devices containing algae that glow in the dark when experiencing mechanical stress, such as…

The Ocean Floor under the Microscope

In order for the energy transition to succeed, offshore wind energy needs to be massively expanded. This is not possible without precise knowledge of the ground. Researchers from the U…

Titanium hosts record high superconductivity for elements superconductors

Titanium shows superconductivity above 26K at high pressures. Element superconductors are important either for superconducting mechanism studies or for potential applications because of the single composition. However element superconductor (SC)…

Interwoven: Charge and magnetism intertwine in kagome material

New physics discovered where crystal patterns match weave of traditional baskets. Physicists have discovered a material in which atoms are arranged in a way that so frustrates the movement of…

For the first time we can measure the thickness of Arctic sea ice all year round

Using satellites, we are now able to measure the ice thickness – also in the summer. This is of great importance for the shipping in Arctic and future weather and…

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