Search Results for: Ocean

Ancient Catastrophic Drought Leads to Question: How Severe Can Climate Change Become?

How severe can climate change become in a warming world?Worse than anything we've seen in written history, according to results of a study appearing this week…

WHOI Helps Form International Consortium on Iron and the Oceans

The origin of the group stems from a July 2010 workshop sponsored by WHOI, where Buesseler and Co-Chair Richard Lampitt of the National Oceanography Centre in…

75% of World’s Coral Reefs Currently Under Threat

The report shows that local pressures— such as overfishing, coastal development, and pollution— pose the most immediate and direct risks, threatening more than…

Oscillating 'plug' of magma causes tremors that forecast volcanic eruptions

All explosive volcanic eruptions are preceded and accompanied by tremors that last from hours to weeks, and a remarkably consistent range of tremor frequencies…

Genome Sequence Reveals Factors Behind the Spread of “Brown Tides” in Coastal Waters

Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are caused by single-celled plants, or phytoplankton, in coastal waters and have a negative impact on coastal ecosystems worldwide,…

Plankton key to origin of Earth's first breathable atmosphere

In a paper to appear in the online Early Edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Ohio State University researcher Matthew…

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