Search Results for: Ocean

Scientist links increase in greenhouse gases to changes in ocean currents

By examining 800,000-year-old polar ice, scientists increasingly are learning how the climate has changed since the last ice melt and that carbon dioxide has…

Fossil evidence casts doubt on Younger Dryas impact theory

Whereas proponents of the theory have offered “carbonaceous spherules” and nanodiamonds—both of which they claimed were formed by intense heat—as evidence of…

What makes the giant freak wave “stable”: Researchers develop new statistical model

The dreaded giant freak wave that can appear on the open sea out of nowhere, can now for the first time be theoretically calculated and modelled: researchers…

Storing carbon dioxide deep underground in rock form

As carbon dioxide continues to burgeon in the atmosphere causing the Earth's climate to warm, scientists are trying to find ways to remove the excess gas from…

Cyclical climate changes in the Atlantic can affect drought in distant regions

Cyclical changes in atmospheric pressure and sea surface temperature in the North Atlantic Ocean affect drought in the Sahel region on the southern Sahara rim….

System 92L's chances for development are waning

The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite called GOES-13 captured a visible image of System 92L on June 15 at 11:45 UTC (7:45 a.m. EDT). The…

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