Search Results for: Ocean

Scientists detect huge carbon 'burp' that helped end last ice age

The results provide the first concrete evidence that carbon dioxide (CO2) was more efficiently locked away in the deep ocean during the last ice age, turning…

Deep subduction of the Indian continental crust beneath Asia

“The subduction of continental crust to this depth has never been reported in the Himalayas and is also extremely rare in the rest of world,” said Dr Anju…

New study maps spawning habitat of bluefin tuna in the Gulf of Mexico

Electronic tagging and fisheries catch data have revealed pronounced differences in preferred habitat of Atlantic bluefin tuna and yellowfin tuna in the Gulf…

First horned dinosaur from Mexico

A new species of horned dinosaur unearthed in Mexico has larger horns that any other species – up to 4 feet long – and has given scientists fresh insights into…

MBARI sends underwater robot to study Deepwater Horizon spill

Although satellites and aircraft can help show the extent of the spill at the surface, MBARI's autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) will help researchers…

Algal blooms hit the poor of India hard

With funding from the Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning and the Swedish International Development…

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