Search Results for: Ocean

Threatened Ecosystem in Focus

15th International Coral Reef Symposium starting. More than 1,000 scientists from over 80 countries will discuss the world’s most important event for coral reefs in Bremen. Host of the 15th…

Microbes support adaptation to climate change

Researchers from Kiel and Düsseldorf use the example of the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis to investigate the contribution of the microbiome to thermal adaptation of living organisms. All multicellular organisms…

Microplastic pollution in the Northeast Atlantic

First long-term record from deep water layers of the open ocean. Scientists from the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW) for the first time analysed a long-term sample…

Thawing Permafrost is Shaping the Global Climate

A new publication and interactive map summarise the current state of knowledge on the risks posed by permafrost soils – and call for decisive action. How is climate change affecting…

The world’s rivers are changing, here’s how

Results quantify how construction of dams and land use change alters sediment flux to oceans. The way rivers function is significantly affected by how much sediment they transport and where…

Polarstern Expedition to the Arctic Ice

Research icebreaker departs for a process study in the marginal ice zone north of Svalbard and glacier research off Greenland. Today, the research vessel Polarstern will depart on a seven-week-long…

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