Search Results for: Ocean

Decline of diatoms due to ocean acidification

Study shows unexpected negative impact by CO2 on important plankton group. While calcifying organisms like oysters and corals have difficulty forming their shells and skeletons in more acidic seawater, diatoms…

DeepSqueak tool identifies marine mammal calls

User-friendly deep learning model analyzes bioacoustics signals from whales, dolphins. Lurking beneath the ocean’s surface, marine mammals use sound for navigation, prey detection, and a wide range of natural behaviors….

Webb Telescope nearly set to explore the solar system

As NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope moves through the final phases of commissioning its science instruments, we have also begun working on technical operations of the observatory.  While the telescope moves through…

Major step forward in monitoring ocean health

MBARI’s autonomous technology uses eDNA to survey biodiversity. In a major step forward for monitoring the biodiversity of marine systems, a new study published today in Environmental DNA details how…

International Coral Reef Symposium in Bremen in July 2022

In 2021, it had to be organized virtually, this year it will be held face-to-face in Bremen: In July 2022, the university will host the International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS)….

Sea ice can control Antarctic ice sheet stability

Despite the rapid melting of ice in many parts of Antarctica during the second half of the 20th century, researchers have found that the floating ice shelves which skirt the…

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