Search Results for: Ocean

Sweet spots in the sea

Mountains of sugar under seagrass meadows. Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology report that seagrasses release large amounts of sugar into their soils – worldwide more than…

Model pinpoints glaciers at risk of collapse due to climate change

Meltwater seeping beneath Arctic glaciers puts thickest and fastest at risk of sudden collapse. As climate change warms the planet, glaciers are melting faster, and scientists fear that many will…

Protecting species for the good of global climate

How climate can benefit from the conservation of biodiversity. When the global community is expected to meet for the second part of the UN Biodiversity Conference in Kunming, China, in…

Hydrothermal catering

Researchers use new method to study microbial communities in their environment / Hydrothermal fluids transform coastal sediments into hotspots of microbial production. Regardless of the water depth at which they…

Pathogens can hitch a ride on plastic to reach the sea

Microplastics can carry land-based parasites to ocean, affecting wildlife and human health. Microplastics are a pathway for pathogens on land to reach the ocean, with likely consequences for human and…

Breakthrough in estimating fossil fuel CO2 emissions

A team of scientists led by the University of East Anglia (UEA) has made a major breakthrough in detecting changes in fossil fuel carbon dioxide emissions more quickly and frequently….

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