The ground beneath our feet and under the ocean floor is an electrically-charged grid, the product of bacteria “exhaling” excess electrons through tiny nanowires in an environment lacking oxygen. Yale…
A big success for Oldenburg’s environmental and marine research: the DFG approves funding for new research group on exchange processes in the microlayer between oceans and atmosphere. The uppermost layer…
An extensive metagenomic study provides detailed insights into the composition and ecological functioning of the microbial communities of the Atlantic Ocean. At first glance, the open ocean seems to be…
Biological invasions interact with changing climate in unpredictable ways. Native species in California’s estuaries are expected to experience greater declines as invasive species interact with climate change, according to a…
Using future projections from the latest generation of Earth System Models, a recent study published in Science Advances found that most of the world’s ocean is steadily losing its year-to-year…
Study proves value of electromagnetic techniques in a new polar environment. Scientists have made the first detection of groundwater beneath an Antarctic ice stream. The discovery confirms what researchers had…