Search Results for: Ocean

Long-standing marine mystery solved

How algae get nitrogen to grow. Newly discovered symbiosis between Rhizobia and diatoms could also open new avenues for agriculture. In a new study, scientists from the Max Planck Institute…

Under pressure: How comb jellies have adapted to life at the bottom of the ocean

Research shows deep sea organisms have unique lipid structures to help them survive. The bottom of the ocean is not hospitable: there is no light; the temperature is freezing cold;…

Development of young underwater volcanoes off Iceland

METEOR expedition M201 investigates the volcanic history of unusual volcanoes in Iceland’s Vesturdjúp Basin. With around 130 volcanoes, Iceland is the largest volcanic island in the world. Until now, researchers…

Precision instrument bolsters efforts to find elusive dark energy

Experiment captures atoms in free fall to look for gravitational anomalies caused by universe’s missing energy. Dark energy — a mysterious force pushing the universe apart at an ever-increasing rate…

Hydrothermal vents on seafloors of ‘ocean worlds’ could support life

UC Santa Cruz team led research using computer simulations based on Earth’s seafloor ecosystems. We’ve all seen the surreal footage in nature documentaries showing hydrothermal vents on the frigid ocean…

New insights into the formation of tiny cloud particles in the Arctic

Mobile measuring devices enable the research of atmospheric processes in higher air layers that have not yet been recorded by conventional measuring stations on the ground. The airborne flight systems…

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