Search Results for: Ocean

Accelerating melt rate makes Greenland Ice Sheet world’s largest ‘dam’

Researchers have observed extremely high rates of melting at the bottom of the Greenland Ice Sheet, caused by huge quantities of meltwater falling from the surface to the base. As…

Unexpected fish and squid found in the Central Arctic Ocean

This is a common press release of Stockholm University and the Alfred Wegener Institute. Single individuals of Atlantic cod and squid occur much further north than previously expected. Scientists participating…

The formation of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet was very different than previously believed

ageAWI experts confirm the delayed spread of the ice sheet 35 million years ago. Roughly 35 million years ago, Earth cooled rapidly. At roughly the same time, the Drake Passage…

Solar cells to achieve fast underwater wireless communication

Optimized approach simplifies underwater optical data links; could enable devices that transmit data and produce power. Although solar cells are typically designed to turn light into power, researchers have shown…

Help for Seas and Coasts

Official kick-off meeting will take place on February 17th and 18th: The second research mission of the German Marine Research Alliance (DAM), “sustainMare” (“Protection and Sustainable Utilization of Marine Environments”)…

“Blue Blob” near Iceland could slow glacial melting

Chilly seawater may slow ice loss on the island until 2050, then warming and melting may accelerate. A region of cooling water in the North Atlantic Ocean near Iceland, nicknamed…

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