Search Results for: Ocean

Advanced computer simulations shed intriguing new light on magma deep below Earth’s surface

Using latest advances in computer modelling, an international team of researchers has shed new light on the properties and behavior of magma found several hundreds of kilometers deep within the…

New possibilities for triggering room-temperature superconductivity with light

Scientists discover that triggering superconductivity with a flash of light involves the same fundamental physics that are at work in the more stable states needed for devices, opening a new…

Reducing Plastic Waste, Saving the Oceans

»SCIP Plastics« Project Worth Millions Launches in Weimar and Bangladesh. Approximately 480 tonnes of waste end up of the streets of Khulna, the largest city in the densely populated Ganges…

How to get chloride ions into the cell

A molecular movie shot at PSI reveals the mechanism of a light-driven chloride pump. Many bacteria and unicellular algae have light-driven pumps in their cell membranes: proteins that change shape…

Ocean eddies could explain Antarctic sea-ice paradox

AWI study provides the basis for reliable projections of the impacts of climate change in the Antarctic. Despite global warming and the sea-ice loss in the Arctic, the Antarctic sea-ice…

Looking beneath the surface of the changing oceans

IOW supports successful deployment of new Argo Float sensors. As part of the DArgo2025 project, Germany’s Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) coordinated the successful validation and deployment of new…

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