Search Results for: Ocean

Great lake's sinkholes host exotic ecosystems

As little as 20 meters (66 feet) below the surface of Lake Huron, the third largest of North America's Great Lakes, peculiar geological formations–sinkholes…

Atmospheric scientists trace the human role in Indonesian forest fires

“During the late 1970s, Indonesian Borneo changed from being highly fire-resistant to highly fire-prone during drought years, marking the period when one of…

Scientists find black gold amidst overlooked data

Scientists recently found black gold bubbling up from an otherwise undistinguished mass of ocean imagery. Chuanmin Hu, an optical oceanographer at the…

MIT research could help predict red tide

Not far beneath the ocean's surface, tiny phytoplankton swimming upward in a daily commute toward morning light sometimes encounter the watery equivalent of…

Research Analyzes Flow Structure Under Breaking Waves

In landlocked South Dakota, hundreds of miles and 1,600 feet of elevation from the nearest ocean, South Dakota State University professor Francis Ting studies…

Aerosols – their part in our rainfall

“We have identified that the extensive pollution haze emanating from Asia may be re-shaping rainfall patterns in northern Australia but we wonder what impact…

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