It is well known that the hydrothermal vents lining the mid-ocean ridges are a major source of iron to the ocean. Vent fluids contain about one million times…
Iron dust, the rarest nutrient for most marine life, can be washed down by rivers or blown out to sea or–a surprising new study finds–float up from the sea…
Storrs Olson, research zoologist at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History, and geologist Paul Hearty of the Bald Head Island Conservancy…
The economy isn't just squeezing the middle class on land, it's also affecting fish.According to a study by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and other…
Iron dust, the gold of the oceans and rarest nutrient for most marine life, can be washed down by rivers or blown out to sea or – a surprising new study finds…
“A primary concern is, what are whales going to do with global warming, which may change the location and abundance of their prey?” asks Vicky Rowntree,…