Search Results for: Ocean

Temperature response in the Altai lags solar forcing

An ice core drilled at the Belukha glacier in the Siberian Altai by a Swiss-Russian research team under the leadership of the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) in…

Could Deep-Sea Microbes Teach Us About Alien Life?

Hovering in a tiny submarine 1.4 miles beneath the Pacific Ocean, a University of Massachusetts Amherst microbiologist felt as if he were in a time machine,…

Lifecycles of tropical cyclones predicted in global computer model

The model, called the Nonhydrostatic ICosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM), was developed for the supercomputer Earth Simulator at JAMSTEC. Given the…

Geoscientists Drill For Earth Secrets Under Arctic Lake

In the next few days, a convoy of bulldozers and trucks will set out from a remote airport in Siberia, heading for a frozen lake 62 miles north of the Arctic…

Researchers use satellites to measure inland floods

Researchers used NASA's TOPEX/Poseidon satellite and the European Space Agency's ENVISAT satellite to measure the height and extent of flooding in North…

Ocean acidification from CO2 emissions will cause physiological impairment to jumbo squid

The results of a study by Brad Seibel, URI assistant professor of biological sciences, and Rui Rosa, a former URI post-doctoral student now on the faculty at…

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