At a European Science Foundation and COST (European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research) 'Frontiers of Science' meeting in Sicily in…
A group of researchers has presented the new ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) in the magazine IEEE Transactions on instrumentation and measurement. Thanks to its…
Zehr said the newly described organism seems to be an atypical member of the cyanobacteria, a group of photosynthetic bacteria formerly known as blue-green…
The problem is that ecosystems simultaneously take up and release CO2. The key finding is that the compound carbonyl sulfide, which plants consume in tandem…
The investigators report that invasive species of macroalgae spread at 50 Km per decade, a distance far larger than that covered by invasive terrestrial…
Sea level rise in one of the major consequences of global warming, but it is much more difficult to model and predict than temperature. It involves the oceans…