Search Results for: Ocean

Study reveals an oily diet for subsurface life

Until now, nobody knew how many oily compounds were being devoured by the microscopic creatures, but new research led by David Valentine of UC Santa Barbara…

Oceans to get noisier as they become more acidic

Conservative projections by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) suggest that the chemistry of seawater could change by 0.3 pH…

Researchers attribute thinning of Greenland glacier to ocean warming preceded by atmospheric changes

The study, whose lead author was David Holland, director of the Center for Atmosphere Ocean Science, part of New York University's Courant Institute of…

Carbon sinks: Issues, markets, policy

With reducing carbon emissions on the national agenda, a group of expert panelists will discuss methods, markets, testing and policy issues on how carbon sinks…

NASA data show Arctic saw fastest August sea ice retreat on record

Each year at the end of summer, sea ice in the Arctic melts to reach its annual minimum. Ice that remains, or “perennial ice,” has survived from year to year…

Mother of a Goose! – Giant ocean-going geese with bony-teeth once roamed across SE England

It may be a few weeks until the British pantomine season kicks-off, but this new fossil from the Isle of Sheppey is giving 'Mother Goose' an entirely new…

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