Search Results for: Ocean

Whether Brown Or Red, Algae Can Produce Plenty of Green Fuel

Having studied the physiology of algae for more than 30 years, Rose Ann Cattolico is convinced the plant life found in oceans and ponds can be a major source…

Coastal County Gets Fine-tuned for Hurricane Weather

The team will be installing five new complete weather stations in the communities of Calabash, Ash, Leeland (which will get two), and Boiling Springs Lakes,…

Study of islands reveals surprising extinction results

Their research, published this month in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, sheds surprising light on the subject of extinction rates of…

New analysis of earthquake zone raises questions

The Blanco Transform Fault Zone likely won't produce the huge earthquake many have predicted for the Pacific Northwest because it isn't a subduction zone…

Tahitian vanilla originated in Maya forests, says UC Riverside botanist

The origin of the Tahitian vanilla orchid, whose cured fruit is the source of the rare and highly esteemed gourmet French Polynesian spice, has long eluded…

GOCE Earth explorer satellite to look at the Earth’s surface and core

The Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) will be placed onto a low altitude near sun-synchronous orbit by a Russian Rockot vehicle…

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