Search Results for: Ocean

Robot Vehicle Surveys Deep Sea Off Pacific Northwest

The first scientific mission with Sentry, a newly developed robot capable of diving as deep as 5,000 meters (3.1 miles) into the ocean, has been successfully…

New robot scouts best locations for components of undersea lab

Successful selection of the two sites is a crucial step in developing an extensive sensor network above and below the seafloor on the Juan de Fuca Plate,…

Southern Ocean seals dive deep for climate data

According to a paper published today by a team of French, Australian, US and British scientists in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,…

Hurricanes and climate change: A sharper view

In a study published in the July 2008 issue of Geophysical Research Letters, Drs. David S. Nolan and Eric D. Rappin from the University of Miami's Rosenstiel…

X-rays use diamonds as a window to the center of the Earth

A team of researchers, led by the University of Bristol, working alongside colleagues at the STFC Daresbury Laboratory, have gained a deeper insight into how…

Microbes, by latitudes and altitudes, shed new light on life's diversity

Microbial biologists, including the University of Oregon's Jessica L. Green, may not have Jimmy Buffett's music from 1977 in mind, but they are changing…

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