Search Results for: Ocean

Typhoons Bury Tons of Carbon in the Oceans

Anne Carey, associate professor of earth sciences at Ohio State, said that she and her colleagues have braved two typhoons since starting the project in 2004….

GOCE prepares for shipment to Russia

Originally, the Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) mission had been scheduled for launch in May 2008, but as a result of…

Highlights, including authors and their institutions

You may read the scientific abstract for any already-published paper (not papers “in press”) by clicking on the link provided at the end of each Highlight. You…

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration University of Colorado Joint Release

Smoke transported to the Arctic from northern forest fires may cool the surface for several weeks to months at a time, according to the most detailed analysis…

Saharan Dust Storms Sustain Life In Atlantic Ocean

Working aboard research vessels in the Atlantic, scientists mapped the distribution of nutrients including phosphorous and nitrogen and investigated how…

A microcosm in the seafloor

On July 20th, 2008, scientists from the Center of Marine Environmental Sciences (MARUM) at Bremen University and their Japanese colleagues published an article…

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