Search Results for: Ocean

Changes in the winds could have been the cause of an abrupt glacial climatic change

Scientists from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) and the Potsdam-Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany have carried out a study which…

A dash of lime – a new twist that may cut Co2 levels back to pre-industrial levels

Shell is so impressed with the new approach that it is funding an investigation into its economic feasibility. ‘We think it’s a promising idea,’ says Shell’s…

Eruptions wiped out ocean life 94 million years ago

Earth and Atmospheric Science researchers Steven Turgeon and Robert Creaser found specific isotope levels of the element osmium, an indicator of volcanism in…

The sun could be having a 15% or 20% effect on climate change

In the past, the sun was the main external agent affecting climate change on Earth, together with the effects of volcanic explosions and internal factors such…

UCSD’s Extraordinary Commitment to Climate Solutions

University of California, San Diego, one of the nation’s greenest college campuses, has begun construction on a sustainable energy program that’s among the…

Leatherback turtles' newly discovered migration route may be roadmap to salvation

Like many species that migrate across a vast ocean, pinpointing all the possible causes of their decline is difficult and figuring out where conservationists…

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