Search Results for: Ocean

Arctic Ocean started getting warmer decades earlier than we thought

The Arctic Ocean has been getting warmer since the beginning of the 20th century – decades earlier than records suggest – due to warmer water flowing into the delicate polar…

Antarctic ice-sheet destabilized within a decade

A new Study provides critical insights into ice mass loss in Antarctica. After the natural warming that followed the last Ice Age, there were repeated periods when masses of icebergs…

What’s in the water?

Researchers take a granular look at global inputs and impacts of human wastewater in coastal ecosystems. The tendency for most of us when it comes to human wastewater is out…

Explanation for unusual isotope patterns

PNAS publication: In a laboratory experiment, MARUM researchers simulate alternative hydrocarbon formation through reduction of acetic acid. The isotopic compositions of hydrocarbon compounds are like a fingerprint. They can clearly…

Revealing the ramifications of ocean acidification for coralline algae

Researchers find that most coralline algae are negatively affected by ocean acidification, but some species may be more resilient than others. Scientists have long suspected that coralline algae are particularly…

Turning plastic grocery bags into sustainable fuel

Using pyrolysis, dewaxing catalyst to upcycle plastic waste into fuel source. More than 300 million tons of plastic waste are produced annually, which causes serious environmental issues because of plastic’s…

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