Search Results for: Ocean

Ocean's fiercest predators now vulnerable to extinction

Now, the global status of large sharks has been assessed by the World Conservation Union (IUCN), which is widely recognized as the most comprehensive,…

Small sea creatures may be the 'canaries in the coal mine' of climate change

Gretchen Hofmann, associate professor of biology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, has just returned from a research mission to Antarctica where…

Past greenhouse warming events provide clues to what the future may hold

Scientists studying the PETM are piecing together an increasingly detailed picture of its causes and consequences. Their findings describe what may be the best…

The key to quieter Atlantic hurricane seasons may be blowing in the wind

“At least one third of the recent increase in Atlantic Ocean temperatures is due to a decrease in dust storms,” says lead author Amato Evan, a researcher at…

New research reveals shark superhighways and hotspots

The world’s sharks are disappearing. These fearsome yet charismatic fish continue to fall victim to overfishing and many are now at risk of extinction as a…

Antarctic marine life under threat from warming seas

Antarctic marine communities resemble the primeval waters of millions years ago because modern predators – crabs and fish – are missing.But this is about to…

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