Search Results for: Ocean

New research reveals shark superhighways and hotspots

The world’s sharks are disappearing. These fearsome yet charismatic fish continue to fall victim to overfishing and many are now at risk of extinction as a…

Antarctic marine life under threat from warming seas

Antarctic marine communities resemble the primeval waters of millions years ago because modern predators – crabs and fish – are missing.But this is about to…

Antarctic life hung by a thread during ice ages

Although the area is covered in ice and bears witness to some of the most extreme cold on the planet, this ecosystem is dynamic, not static, and change here…

Brown expert connects resilience science and marine conservation

Resilience science is the study of how ecosystems resist and respond to disturbances, both natu-ral and man-made. This increasingly influential area of…

Valuing ocean services in the Gulf of Maine — New approaches for conflict resolution

Fogarty, a NOAA biologist, says interactions among species, the effects of climate change, and the effects of human impacts such as harvesting are among the…

Fish devastated by sex-changing chemicals in municipal wastewater

After an exhaustive seven-year research effort, Canadian biologists found that miniscule amounts of estrogen present in municipal wastewater discharges can…

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